How to Play
How it Works
Welcome to Jenny's 40th Birthday Puzzle Adventure! You should have received a puzzle when you arrived at the meeting location. Solve it with your group and enter the answer in the box below the puzzle here: Go to the location provided with your correct answer to get your next puzzle. Continue solving the other puzzles. The final puzzle will lead you to a destination to celebrate Jenny together.
As you solve and discover, take photos of your group following the prompts from the website and email them to us at so we can put together a slide show for Jenny.
If you have any questions, please use the chat feature on so that we can respond in real time.
Safety Reminders
The Solving Fun Puzzle Pals want all of our community members to be safe and have fun. Be mindful of all laws and safety regulations as you explore. Clues are posted in visible areas. If you experience an emergency, call 911.
We hope you love our Puzzle Hunts. If you are having fun solving, check out our other puzzle products or email us to create a custom hunt for you.