Puzzle Books
Safe Routes to School

These books are availble for pre-order. Or have a custom book made for you. For more information click the button or email us community@solvingfun.com.
"Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day"
"Ride Safely"
Puzzle Hunts

Solving Fun puzzle pals love to create custom puzzle hunts for communities and organizations. They bring people together in a fun and unique way to collaborate and use creative thinking. Puzzle hunts are inclusive, open to all ages and all kinds of groups. Puzzle hunts can range from a few hours to sets of puzzles that solvers work on over a series of weeks.

Hands-on, interactive puzzles themed for Safe Routes. Puzzles are created to solve collaboratively in small groups. Can be scaled to meet your group size needs. ​
Perfect for: Classroom or school wide events. Learn about bicycle and pedestrian safety while having brain-twisting fun with peers.


This compact and portable tool is filled with a range of creative thinking games that require minimal materials. These games are themed on pedestrian and bicycle safety and are fun for any age. Games To Go is perfect for classrooms, family road trips, or just a fun day out.
Games to Go - Safe Routes Edition
Starting at $1.99 each. Email community@solvingfun.com for a quote.
Minimum order qty. 250
Watch the video to hear Kori Johnson from Safe Routes National Partnership talk about Solving Fun
Interested in ordering for your community?
"Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day" and "Ride Safely" are both available for pre-order
For more information click below or email us community@solvingfun.com.
What's Inside - Ruby Bridges

The Puzzle Pals were inspired by Ruby Bridges’ courage. We can all use her example to come together as a community.
San Mateo County Office of Education Safe Routes to School encourages and enables school children to walk and bicycle to school safely by implementing projects like this.